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Saturn 1 XY System Galvanometer Scanner Frontside
Saturn 1 XY System Galvanometer Scanner Rightside
Saturn 1 XY System Galvanometer Scanner Backside
Saturn 1 XY System Galvanometer Scanner Leftside
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Saturn 1 XY System Galvanometer Scanner Frontside
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Saturn 1 XY System Galvanometer Scanner Rightside
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Saturn 1 XY System Galvanometer Scanner Backside
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Saturn 1 XY System Galvanometer Scanner Leftside


The Saturn 1 is a galvanometer-based optical scanning system, designed to achieve the highest RMS performance of any scanner in the 1mm to 4mm aperture range. It is designed for applications such as optical coherence tomography (OCT), confocal microscopy, small beam-laser marking, laser entertainment displays, optical layout templates and raster image projections.

Features of the Saturn 1 Series

  • The Saturn 1 system has a low coil resistance that allows it to achieve the highest acceleration and RMS duty cycles without production of excess heat inside the galvo.
  • Due to the low inertia rotor assembly and special bearing materials, the Saturn 1 system boasts the highest peak torque-constant-to-inertia ratio of any moving magnet galvanometer available.
  • With our patented X3 magnetic circuit the Saturn 1 reaches scanning speeds of 5kHz small signal bandwidth with far less drive power and heat generation than before. Systems achieving 7.5kHz small signal bandwidth are routinely delivered to clients.
  • Our patented position sensor design allows for wide-angle scanning up to 110 degrees optical with high output and low noise.

The Saturn 1 system incorporates all the design features of the ScannerMAX Saturn series, including a half-inch round body diameter, back supporting mirror mount design, high-output and low-noise position detector. In combination with our MachDSP digital servo driver we are able to achieve performance greater than other similar galvanometers. We also offer coil configurations optimized for certain imaging applications and reduced heat scenarios.

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Optimal Mirror Size: 1mm-4mm
Rotation Angle (1): +\- 27.5 Degrees
Rotor Inertia: 0.010 Gram*Centimeter2
Torque Constant: 18500 Dyne*Centimeters per Ampere
Maximum Coil Temperature: 110 degrees Celsius
Thermal Resistance, Coil to Mount: 1.5 degrees Celsius per Watt
Coil Resistance: 1.8 Ohms
Coil Inductance: 100 μh
Back EMF Voltage (1): 32.3 μV per degree per second
Peak Current: 20 Amperes, Maximum
RMS Current: 3.75 Amperes at Tcase of 50°C
Power Handling Capacity: 33 Watts at Tmount of 50°C
Small Angle Step Response: 90 μS with ScannerMAX 3mm mirror set
PD Linearity over 20 degrees p-p: 99.9 % Minimum
PD Linearity over 40 degrees p-p: 99.5 % Typical
PD Output Signal (Common Mode): 600 μA (at 20mA LED current)
PD Output Signal (Differential Mode): 43.6 μA perdegree (at 20mA LED current)
Mass: 25 Grams


  1. Angular specifications are in mechanical degrees. For most applications, optical angle = 2x mechanical angle.

Specifications are at a temperature of 25° C. All mechanical and electrical specifications are +/-10%.

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