This video demonstrates the Compact 506 mirror galvanometer, what's included, and how it compares (at least size-wise) with competitors. Note that this is intended for industrial applications, although it may be used for aerial beam effects as well.

In this video, ScannerMAX President and CTO William R. Benner, Jr. compares the ScannerMAX Compact 506 scanning system to what a conventional galvo scanner manufacturer would deliver.  The sizes of the galvo mirrors, servo drivers and overall package size are all discussed.

Each system is delivered with a quick start guide for fast and easy configuration of the system.  Mr. Benner also discusses the basic functions of the ScannerMAX Mach DSP software, which includes Oscilloscope, Test Signal Generator and Dynamic Signal Analyzer functions, as well as the ability to adjust hundreds of scanner tuning parameters.

For more information on what is included with a ScannerMAX system, as well as set up and configuration details, please CLICK HERE to download the Mach DSP Help file.

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